Road & Bridge

The Johnson County Road and Bridge Department, located at 325 Butte Street in Buffalo, is manned by Scott Pehringer, Road and Bridge Supervisor; nine full-time operators, one mechanic, two part-time operators, and one administrative assistant.  This is a small force assigned the task of maintaining over 550 miles of county roads, about one-fourth of which are being impacted by mineral industry development.

snow removal

If you have questions or concerns that can be addressed by the Johnson County Road and Bridge, please call the office at (307) 684-2262.   Also, please feel free to let us know about any maintenance issues that may require attention such as blocked culverts, cattle guards in need of repair or missing signs.  We depend on the traveling public to help us track these issues.  Thank you!



  • Scott Pehringer - Supervisor
  • Ashlea Bassett - Supervisor's Assistant
  • Larry Taylor - Foreman
  • Justin Bloomgren - Mechanic
  • Bob Kyle - Right of Way Permits and Access Permits, Rural Addressing


  • Kelly Camino
  • John Collins
  • Dustin Edwards
  • Ron Glassock (Summers)
  • Jim Gorzalka
  • Ronnie Hein (Summers)
  • Brett Nikont
  • Scott Packard


  • Justin Taylor

Johnson County Snow Plow Policy

Fillable Forms

Current Projects

Hammond Road

Maintenance on county roads.

Johnson County Road and Bridge is geared up to blade the roads as moisture allows.  Many roads have already received attention, and we will continue to address problem areas as they arise.

You may also see our workers out doing routine maintenance on culverts, cattle guards and bridges. Please call our office at 684-2262 to report any damage you may notice out there.